Google Gemini: A Glimpse into the Future of Multimodal AI

Sabin Pokharel

Forget GPT4 and PALM2, Google's latest AI model, Gemini, is here to revolutionize the game. This powerful tool isn't just a language model; it's a multi-talented AI that can process information across various formats and even make informed decisions.

Let's deep dive into all this about Gemini hype around the internet. Gemini is the latest large language model developed in-house by the collaborative efforts of the team at Google. According to Google, it is a multimodel LLM(Large Language Model)- multimodel LLM(Large Language Model) is just like other LLM but with the capacity to understand prompts in multiple formats and also being able to generate output in different formate. For example, you can prompt both image and text at once or you can also add sounds to it.

Gemini can understand different types of information and it is a lot fast compared to other LLM. It is said to outperform the latest cutting-edge AI models GPT4 and PALM2. Gemini is not just a data sponge. It's a powerful reasoning engine. It can analyze complex information, identify hidden patterns, and make informed decisions, pushing the boundary of AI beyond just comprehension.

Google's Gemini comes in three different sizes:

Gemini Ultra: This model is best for complex tasks like reasoning, coding, analyzing scientific papers, etc.

Gemini Pro: Gemini Pro is a performance-optimized model and has the best capacity for almost all tasks that can be done by LLMs.

Gemini Nano: Gemini Nano is for mobile devices, yes you heard right, Gemini can also be run within mobile devices even when not connected to the internet. More on that

Check out the blog post by google to be amazed by Gemini's capabilities.

Google’s Gemini Ultra AI model achieved state-of-the-art results in 30 out of 32 benchmarks, including text, image, video, and speech tasks. It achieved human-expert performance on the MMLU benchmark and a new state-of-the-art score on the MMMU benchmark. Additionally, it performed well on video question answering and audio understanding tasks.

Possible Application Of Google's Gemini

Gemini can be used in lots of applications including education, medicine, finance, marketing, and research. All you have to do is to feed good quality data and prompt through APIs, Gemini's API is not yet released but once released again there will be a flood of AI applications in the market. For now, the power of Gemini can be experienced through bard, not all features of Gemini are available but the essential fine-tuned model is already up and running. Here are the 6 possible applications of Google's Gemini

Personalized Learning:

Gemini can be used to tailor learning experiences to individual needs, learning styles, and pace. Imagine a simulation based on your capabilities, an adaptive question and answering platform all powered by Gemini's understanding of the text, images, audio, and video medium. This would make learning fun and interactive. Imagine having a personal assistant for your school work wouldn't that be nice, this all can be made possible using Gemini.

Language Learning

Well all large language model excels at this task but Gemini's abilities make it stand out of the crowd, it will not only translate into other language it will give reasons, and it can identify your mistakes and suggest ideas to improve on them.


Gemini can translate sign language, generate audio descriptions for images, and provide alternative text formats, making education accessible to everyone regardless of physical limitations or language barriers.


AI-powered chatbots equipped with Gemini's capabilities can offer personalized customer service 24/7. Imagine resolving issues quickly and efficiently, understanding customer emotions through voice analysis, and offering tailored solutions based on individual needs.

Market Research

Gemini can analyze customer feedback across text, audio, and video formats, providing valuable insights into customer needs and preferences, and guiding businesses to make informed decisions.

Scientific Research

Gemini can analyze complex scientific data, identify hidden patterns, and generate hypotheses, accelerating scientific research and discovery. Its ability to extract information through reading and filtering from hundreds of documents will help come with breakthroughs in science and technology, not just science and technology but overall research works.

Features of Gemini

The Gemini models are built on top of Transformer decoders with architectural improvements and optimized for training at scale and inference on Google's Tensor Processing Units. They support 32k context length and employ efficient attention mechanisms. The first version, Gemini 1.0, comes in three different sizes to cater to diverse applications. Here are the features of Gemini 1.0.

  1. High-Speed Performance:

Gemini operates at lightning speeds, processing information in real-time. This allows for seamless interaction and rapid response, making it ideal for applications where efficiency and timeliness are essential. Imagine chatbots that understand your query instantly, personalized news feeds that update in a flash, and real-time translations that break down language barriers without a hitch.

  1. Multi-Model Capability:

unlike traditional AI models, Gemini is not confined to one domain. It possesses the remarkable ability to excel at diverse tasks, including text generation, image recognition, video understanding, and even speech recognition and translation. This versatility unlocks a world of possibilities, allowing Gemini to seamlessly transition from one task to the next, adapting to various needs and situations.

  1. Reasoning Capability:

Beyond processing information, Gemini can also reason and make informed decisions. It utilizes advanced techniques like reinforcement learning and tree search to analyze complex data, identify patterns, and draw logical conclusions. This allows Gemini to solve problems, troubleshoot issues, and even contribute to scientific research and discovery.

  1. Advanced Coding:

Gemini is built on top of Transformer decoders, a powerful architecture that has proven its effectiveness in various AI applications. However, Gemini takes it a step further, incorporating improvements and optimizations that enable stable training at scale and efficient inference on Google's Tensor Processing Units. This ensures that Gemini can handle large amounts of data without compromising performance or efficiency.

  1. Highly Scalable:

Gemini is designed to grow with the ever-increasing demands of the technological world. Its modular architecture allows it to be scaled up or down to meet specific needs, making it a valuable asset for organizations of all sizes. Whether it's handling a massive influx of data or adapting to a specialized task, Gemini can readily adjust and scale accordingly.

  1. Safety and Responsibility at the Core:

Recognizing the immense power of AI, Google has prioritized safety and responsibility in the development of Gemini. Ethical considerations and responsible implementation are at the forefront, ensuring that this technology is used for good and benefits all of humanity. By carefully considering potential risks and implementing robust safeguards, Google strives to ensure that Gemini remains a force for positive change in the world.

In conclusion, Gemini represents a significant leap forward in the field of AI. Its high-speed performance, multi-model capabilities, advanced reasoning skills, robust coding, and unwavering commitment to safety and responsibility make it a formidable force in shaping the future. With its vast potential, Gemini promises to transform industries, enhance our lives, and push the boundaries of human imagination. You can try the Gemini Pro model now on Google's Bard and API support is coming soon and according to Google, they are planning to make it available on December 13th through AI studio and Vertex AI.