Unlocking Success: The 5 Most Valuable Skills for future.

Sabin Pokharel

With the rise of AI tools like Chat GPT and Google's Bard, our way of doing things is getting changed, and skills like Complex problem solving, critical thinking, and people management come in handy in the future.

Unlocking Success: The 5 Most Valuable Skills for future.
Computer illustrations by Storyset

The 21st century is here and we no longer live in the past. There are new trends (chat gpt), things we didn't envision five or ten years ago, that are now happening right in front of us. This means that what was thought to be the most basic skill is now more important than ever. Therefore, I've compiled a list of 5 skills that will help you to succeed in this new society and keep your position better than most others on your desk!

The skills listed below are not only valuable skills but also will have a positive impact on accumulating wealth through your career and enhancing the lives of your family and friends.

Here are the 5 valuable skills for the 21st century

Complex problem-solving skills

Complex problem-solving is a skill that requires the ability to observe, analyze, and make informed decisions in order to solve a problem. It involves a variety of skills such as observation, analysis, and decision-making in order to find the best solution for any given situation. Not only does this process require good observational skills, but it also requires good decision-making skills in order to handle all potential outcomes and consequences of any given action.

In the field of problem-solving, there are many different ways of looking at complex problems. Some of these approaches can be used to help you solve problems better, while others may not be as useful.

The consideration of scope refers to the size and scope of your problem. If your project is too small or too large, it will be difficult to implement solutions. For example, if one individual has a project that is too small, then there is no need for them to use a team approach to solve their problem. However, if the scope is too large, then it becomes difficult for any individual or group working together to complete their task in time and on budget.

The consideration of impact refers to how much harm or benefit your project will cause if it is not implemented properly. For example, if you are building a house on land that was previously owned by someone else, then this may have negative impacts such as causing them financial losses or even making them homeless (if the person who owned the land decides that they want their land back). On the other hand, if you are building a house in an area where there currently exists no houses around it (which would mean that no one lives there), then this would cause no harm at all because no one lives there anyway!

learn more about complex problem-solving skills here.

How to solve complex problems?

1. Identify what the problem is

It is important to identify the cause of your problem before you can solve it. The reason why you are facing this problem is what will help you decide on which solution to choose. If you don’t know what caused the problem, it becomes difficult for you to solve it.

After thinking about your problem, it's time to identify what exactly it is that makes it difficult for you to solve. Write down all of the things that could be causing this problem (or at least some of them). For example, maybe one part of the problem is that there aren't enough people in your department who know how to do something very specific and important, so they need more people on staff who can do this type of work. Or maybe your boss needs more money for new equipment or software, but there isn't enough money in their budget for this purchase right now, so they're going without something important until next year when they get more funding from the company's executives.

2. Consider the impacts of the problem

Once you have identified the cause of your problem, it is important that you consider all the impacts of those causes on your career, relationships, finances, and life in general. This will help you understand how important it is for you to solve this problem and how much effort should be put into solving this issue. You need to understand how serious a situation this is if it affects so many areas of your life, otherwise, there is no point in trying to solve it at all.

3. Brainstorm solutions

After considering all the impacts that may arise from solving this complex problem, begin brainstorming possible solutions based on what has been discussed above. Try not to think too much about all possible outcomes or outcomes that may not occur as they may lead to stress or anxiety which could harm your mental health or even lead to depression if left unresolved for too long (source).

4. Consider the impacts of your solution

A solution is only as good as its impact on the people and organizations it affects. If you want to solve a problem, first ask yourself what is the best way to solve it? What can I do to improve my solution? Then, consider how this will impact others, especially if it's an internal problem. For example:

If you're trying to save money by reducing your office's budget, consider how this will affect other employees who rely on that money for their salaries or other expenses. Also, think about any negative impacts that will occur if your idea isn't implemented (lack of communication) or if more funds are required due to unforeseen circumstances (more employees need time off).

5. Implement a plan

One way to solve complex problems is to implement a plan. A plan is something you put into action so that you can do something about a situation. In this case, the situation is "I don't know what to do about my life." And the thing you want to do about it is implementing a plan.

A plan can be anything from an actual plan for your life (like quitting smoking) to an idea for how to deal with things (like making friends or finding work). It's up to you how complicated your plans will be — but they have to have some kind of structure or they won't work very well.

If you don't have any ideas yet, it's easy enough just to make some quick lists:* What's stopping me from achieving my goals? - Answer: lack of motivation/focus/energy* How can I get motivated? - Answer: set goals, and write out plans for achieving them

Some people might think that learning how to solve complex problems is only for people who have an engineering or math background. But that couldn't be further from the truth. As you grow older, it's likely that you'll have to solve a wide range of different types of problems—from simple ones like balancing a checkbook to more complicated ones like designing a new type of car.

Learning how to solve complex problems can help you do this, but it also gives you practice at problem-solving in general, which could come in handy later on down the road when you need to figure out how to repair your car after an accident or figure out what's wrong with your computer.

Critical thinking skill

Critical thinking is a process that involves analyzing, evaluating, and synthesizing information for both personal and professional purposes. For example, if you're writing an essay for school on why people should recycle paper products, critical thinking would include taking time to research different recycling methods available today. The process would involve researching how each method works, what benefits it offers, how much energy it saves; and whether it is cost-effective or not. The essay would then be written after thorough research on each topic covered to develop an idea of what people should do with their paper products. Strong critical thinking skills are necessary at all academic levels and also play a vital part in our careers.

Critical thinking is one of the most important skills to develop. It can help you to solve problems, think creatively, and be more efficient.

Critical thinking is a skill that can help you make sound decisions and solve problems. It is important to learn because it helps you develop the ability to analyze the situation you are in, and make sense of what is happening around you. Critical thinking lets you see things from different perspectives and think about them logically. You will be able to come up with better solutions than your previous ones. This skill is also useful for problem-solving and decision-making in many aspects of life, including education, career planning, personal relationships, and more.

In this age of mass communication, it's easy to get caught up in the noise. But critical thinking helps us filter out the noise and focus on what's really important.

If you want to be able to identify your own biases, then learning how to think critically will help you do just that. If you want to be able to spot fake news and fraudulent claims, then learning how to think critically will help you do that too. And if you want to be able to spot fake stories about yourself or others online, then learning how to think critically will help you do that as well!

Learning critical thinking skills is an investment in your future—and it will pay off in ways you never imagined possible!

Critical thinking can be defined as the ability to think critically, which means analyzing information or issues in a logical and unbiased manner. Critical thinking involves looking at situations from multiple perspectives and making decisions based on sound reasoning.

In today’s world, there are many opportunities for people to use critical thinking skills in their everyday lives. For example, you need critical thinking skills when you are trying to improve your health by making healthier food choices or taking better care of yourself physically and emotionally. You need critical thinking skills when dealing with problems in your personal life like a conflict with a friend or family member or dealing with difficult situations at work or school.

Critical thinking helps you to solve any type of problem effectively because it helps you to see things from different perspectives and come up with solutions that are based on facts instead of opinions or emotions.

Self-regulation skills help us to keep track of our own emotions while problem-solving. Open-mindedness helps us to be more receptive to new ideas and perspectives. it helps us to control our thoughts and emotions while observing something or someone else.

Interpretation helps us understand what we see in front of us by breaking down the information we receive into smaller parts and pieces until the whole picture comes together in our minds.

Evaluation helps us decide which course of action would be most effective for achieving our goals by assessing all parts of an issue or situation before deciding on one option over another.

Communication skills help us express ourselves clearly so that others can understand what we mean without misunderstanding each other's intentions or words being misunderstood because they were not properly phrased or spoken loudly enough for everyone else nearby who may also be listening in on the conversation being had at that moment

The first step to critical thinking is to identify the issue at hand. If you're writing a paper, you might be trying to figure out why a certain movie was chosen as the winner of a festival, or whether or not something is true. You can use this process to figure out what kind of information needs to be gathered and what kind of evidence would make your conclusion more reliable.

After gathering all of the relevant information, decide what arguments are actually relevant to your issue, and flag those that are the most consequential pieces of information.

The next step is self-evaluation: ask yourself "Was I biased when seeking information?" If so, then you need to make sure that everything is being presented with an open mind.

The final step is drawing conclusions from all of your evidence; do so in a way that makes sense and incorporates all relevant points into one coherent argument.

How to Improve Your Critical Thinking Skills?

Three ways you can improve your critical thinking skills.

1. Practice the art of empathy

Empathy is a critical thinking skill that allows you to put yourself in the other person's shoes. It helps you understand what they're feeling, and it helps you see things from their point of view. When we empathize with others, we tend to be more likely to understand their perspectives and come up with solutions that could help them.

2. Learn how to think critically about your own beliefs

Sometimes we take our own beliefs for granted, even when they're not necessarily true! We need to be able to question those beliefs and really think about whether or not they're actually valid or accurate. This means learning how to analyze both sides of an argument and make decisions based on facts rather than emotion or personal preference.

3. Practice active listening skills

Active listening is one of the most important skills for critical thinkers because it allows us to listen without interrupting or dominating the conversation or making assumptions about what someone else is saying based on our own experiences or beliefs (which can lead us down paths of bias). Active listening requires us to actively listen--to give our full attention--by asking questions and making eye contact as well as keeping silent until someone else has finished speaking their piece before responding yourself

People Management

Human beings are very diverse in their thoughts and opinions. This is the reason why we have a lot of differences when it comes to working together as a team. However, this diversity can be a source of strength if managed properly.

Managing people involves training them to work for the same goal, motivating them with positive outcomes, and directing them to perform according to their abilities and strengths. In short, managing people is about taking control of the way your employees think and act.

In order for you to manage people effectively, you need to be able to train them on how best to interact with each other and how they can work together as a team. This means that you have to have some sort of leadership skills as well. It also means that you should be able to direct your employees by showing them what they need or want from each other so they can meet those needs or wants successfully over time.

why should everybody learn about people management?

People management is essential to every organization. It's not just a theoretical concept—it's the difference between success and failure.

The problem with people management is that there's no easy way to teach it. You can't just throw a book in front of your employees, tell them to read it, and expect them to understand what you're talking about right away. And even if you did do that, it wouldn't be enough to actually teach them how to manage people effectively.

So what does "people management" mean?

People management means understanding your employees' personalities, motivations and needs so that you can give them what they want and what they need without alienating or upsetting them in any way. It means knowing how people work and why they work like they do so that you can make sure that everyone has the best possible working environment for them within the company as a whole. People management also means making sure that each individual employee feels like he or she is valued for their contributions even when there are changes going on around him or her at work—and doing this by working together as a team instead of trying to push one person down into line with other employees who may not be as valuable or important

Every person knows that he or she needs to manage his or her own time. But most people don't really know why.

The only way you can truly be successful as a leader and manager ar by managing yourself. The same goes for your employees. If you don't know how to manage yourself, you won't be able to manage others very well either.

There are many different types of people management, but the most important one for any business is leadership. Leadership is about inspiring others and helping them do their best work. It's about setting high standards and expectations for everyone involved in the process—and then holding each other accountable for meeting those standards. When everyone knows what they're supposed to do, it makes things easier for everyone involved on both sides of the equation: the leaders and the followers alike!

People management isn't just about leading by example or making sure everyone follows the same rules at all times—it's also about communicating effectively with everyone involved so that everyone understands what they need from each other in order

Why people management is needed?

People management skills are crucial in conditions like

1. Handling interpersonal conflict-

Managing interpersonal conflict is one of the most difficult tasks for managers. Every manager has to deal with this issue and it can be easily solved by hiring a good HR Manager who will help you learn how to handle unfavorable situations in your workplace.

2. Leading employee training-

Employee training needs time, money, and energy from your side but if you have someone who can manage this task well then it will be much easier for you to focus on your core business activities.

3. Managing deadlines-

The most important thing while managing deadlines is to know when is the right time to send an email or make a call to someone else. This knowledge helps us avoid wasting time on unnecessary stuff and focusing only on the tasks related to our business activities.

4. Building company cultures-

Building company culture is one of the most difficult tasks for any manager but if we hire someone who has experience in this field then it will become easier for us to build a positive environment within our organization where all employees feel comfortable working together toward achieving common goals of success and growth

Empowering employees

What do you do when your employees don't feel empowered? You can empower them by giving them autonomy, allowing them to make decisions, and giving them the freedom to take responsibility for their own actions. This is especially important in today's workplace where so many employees are challenged with tight deadlines, high stress levels, and intense work environments.

How to be good at People Management?

Active listening

Active listening is an excellent way to get your point across without giving off the impression that you are not listening to what they are saying. When someone is speaking, listen carefully and show that you are taking in what they have said. Ask questions that will encourage them to continue talking or add more details about their topic if necessary. This will show that you care about what they have to say and will make sure that what they are saying isn't left out of the conversation.


Conflict is inevitable in any work environment, but when it does arise it can be very difficult for employees to resolve issues on their own. Conflict-resolution techniques like active listening skills can help make sure that both parties feel heard during a conflict situation so that it doesn't escalate into something bigger than just two people arguing about something insignificant (i.e., someone else).

Be flexible

Flexibility can help you to adapt to the changes in your environment, and it can also help you to communicate effectively with other people. For example, if you're working on a new project, be prepared to meet new deadlines and work with people who may have different ideas than you do. You may need to learn new skills or get used to working in a new environment.

Be patient

Patience is one of the most important traits that managers need in their employees because employees can't always do their best if they don't feel like they have support from the manager. A good manager knows how important it is for employees to feel appreciated and valued so they'll work hard for their company and be committed to doing their best work.

Be clear about expectations

It's important for managers to clearly define what type of performance is expected from each employee at any given time — whether it's weekly goals or quarterly goals — so everyone knows where they stand on an ongoing basis as well as when the goal needs to be met once more time has passed since its last review date

Judgment and decision-making skills

Judgment and decision-making skills are a set of mental tools that help you to make an informed decision in difficult situations. Before arriving at a conclusion or judgment we should always look inside us at what might be the impact of this decision.

Judgment skills can help you make better professional decisions in many areas such as time management, leadership, productivity, and quality.

Judgment skills are the abilities and mental tools that enable you to make effective decisions in critical situations or dilemmas. The use of these skills can include evaluation and prioritization of factors, making a weighed decision, arriving at a conclusion, and forming subjective opinions.

Judgment skills are essential for success on the job, whether you’re trying to get a promotion or manage your workload effectively. The more experience you have with applying judgment skills, the better you will be able to handle any situation that comes your way.

why everybody should learn about judgment and decision-making skills?

The world is getting more complicated every day. A lot of people are having a hard time making decisions, and it's not just because of the sheer number of options that are available to us—it's also because we're only starting to understand how our brains work.

In this age of information overload, it's hard not to feel like you're drowning in choices. But the truth is that making smart decisions requires more than just knowing what options are available; it requires understanding what your brain is capable of doing when faced with them.

That's why learning about judgment and decision-making skill is so important—it will help you make better choices going forward.

Judgment and decision-making skills are important for a variety of reasons.

First, you need to have judgment and decision-making skills if you want to be successful in your personal life. Without them, you will not be able to make decisions that are right for you. You may think that the only way to do this is by making the right choices all the time, but this isn't true!

Second, having good judgment and decision-making skills will help you if you want to work with other people. If you don't know how people will react when they see your ideas or suggestions then it could lead to problems down the line.

Third, even though these skills can be learned through experience, it is always good to learn as much as possible about these subjects so that we can be prepared for any situation that may come our way!

So how do we improve our judgment and decision-making ability? Here are some points I have gathered from different sources

You’re probably the kind of person who can make powerful decisions in a matter of seconds. You know what you want, and you know how to get it.

But in some cases, this isn’t enough.

If you’re ready to take your success to the next level, here are seven ways to improve your judgemental and decision-making skills:

Be aware of your personal bias

The first step to improving your judgemental and decision-making skills is to be aware of your personal bias. If you are not aware of it, then you will make decisions based on your personal preferences and not on facts.

Before making any major purchase or important decision, ask yourself: Is my decision based on emotion or reason?

If it’s not based on thoughtfulness, then you should reconsider the situation before making a move.

Learn from experience

Being able to learn from experience also helps improve judgemental skills because we tend to repeat mistakes over and over again until we learn from them instead of repeating them again. It's important to note here that learning from experience doesn't mean that if something happened before then it will happen again in the future; learning from experience means that we can take something good out of an experience and apply it to the present situation

Learning from experience is one of the best ways to improve your judgemental and decision-making skills because it forces you to think about the past and how you acted during situations similar to ones you will face in the future. This can help prevent bad decisions from being made in the future as well as lead to better outcomes when making decisions today.

Be an active listener

You need to be an active listener in order to identify the situation, note potential solutions or actions and choose the decision you want to proceed with. This is especially important if you are a leader or manager.

Listen carefully when someone is talking to you because listening effectively means taking in every word they say before forming a response or opinion about their point of view. This will allow them time

Try to accept mistakes

Acceptance is another important skill that can help you improve your judgemental skills and make better decisions. For example, if you receive negative feedback from others, don’t let it discourage you because it doesn't mean that they are right or that they know what's best for you. Instead, use this as an opportunity to learn more about yourself so that you can improve yourself in the future.

Identify the situation

It is important to be able to identify your situation clearly. You might be at home, in a meeting, or at work. It is also important to be able to identify the time period in which the situation occurred. For example, if you have been told that your husband has been cheating on you, it would be helpful if you could identify if this was in the past or if it was happening right now.

Potential solutions or actions

Once you have identified your situation and time period, it is easier to decide what action would be best for this case. For example, if your husband was cheating on you years ago and wants to reconcile with his family and friends, then he might try apologizing first. If he wants to reconcile with his family and friends but does not want anyone to know about his affair, he might ask them not to talk about it around their children or grandchildren.

Advantages and disadvantages of each option

Once you have chosen which action would be best for this situation, it is important that you write down all possible advantages and disadvantages of each option. This will help you make a more informed decision when deciding which action would be best for your particular situation

Negotiation skills

What comes into your mind when it is about negotiation skills:?

Negotiation is a type of discussion used to settle disputes and reach agreements between two or more sides. It can be used by both parties in a conflict or by organizations to resolve an issue.

Negotiating is the art of convincing others to give you what you want so that you can get what you want.

Negotiation is the process of reaching an agreement between parties that might not agree on what they are doing, including who should pay for the cost of something, or how much money someone owes another person. The goal is to find a solution that everyone agrees with and can live with.

Whether you're looking for an apartment, negotiating a new job, or just trying to get the best price on a new car, negotiation is an essential life skill. It's something that will help you make better decisions, get what you want out of situations, and feel confident and capable in your own skin.

In this day and age where everything is connected and information can be shared almost instantaneously, knowing how to negotiate is more important than ever.

Getting paid fair market value for your work is one of the most basic tenets of capitalism—and yet we see it all too often exploited by companies who try to trick us into overpaying for their products or services. It's up to us as individuals to protect ourselves from being taken advantage of financially by these companies who would rather see us fail than see us succeed!

Whether you're dealing with someone directly like an employer or another party like a landlord or realtor, learning how to negotiate will help ensure that both parties benefit from the transaction instead of wasting time arguing over small details like what information should be provided first.

Negotiating is an essential skill that everyone needs to know. Negotiating is about understanding your opponent and finding a win-win solution for both parties involved. It's about getting what you want without being rude, aggressive, or overbearing. Negotiating also helps you avoid getting taken advantage of by businesses—especially when it comes to buying things like cars and houses!

In today's world, we can do more business with less effort if we know how to negotiate effectively. That's why it's important for everyone to learn how to negotiate: not only will you save money on the things that matter most to you but you'll also be able to make better use of your time.

Now, some of you might be thinking "But I don't want to negotiate!" and that's totally fine. It's not something we do all the time, or even all that often. But the truth is, the ability to negotiate is absolutely essential for success in business—and any career for that matter.

Learning how to negotiate doesn't mean you have to be a shark or anything like that (although if you are a shark, we would love to know!), it just means that you know how to get what you want out of a situation and make sure everyone is happy with the outcome.

But negotiating isn't just about getting what you want—it's also about making sure everyone involved in the process gets what they need. So if your company has a policy that says they'll pay you $100/hour but you think they should pay you $120/hour, it's important to speak up and let them know why.

Negotiating also teaches you how to communicate effectively with others so that everyone comes out of the deal feeling good about themselves. If someone disagrees with your approach or has concerns about cost, that's OK! They can negotiate their own way out of it or come back with another offer later. The point is that everyone involved in the negotiation process should feel heard and understood throughout, no matter how things turn out.

Negotiation involves asking questions and listening carefully to what others have to say; it also involves coming up with solutions together. Negotiating does not mean agreeing with everything your opponent says; it means finding ways for both sides to benefit from the conversation.

Negotiation skills are not only about asking for a raise, landing that dream job, or other business-related domains. But negotiation is like an umbrella and it involves lots of other micro skills that help you to succeed in your personal life as well as business skills. Our life is almost impossible without negotiation, we make deals in every area of life, deal on our own, and deal with others.

Five ways to be a successful negotiator

Able to communicate

When you are negotiating, it's very important that you communicate clearly and effectively with your interlocutor. If there is a misunderstanding, the other party may not be willing to negotiate with you at all.

Become a good listener

Listening is a form of active listening. It involves picking up on what others are saying, and waiting for them to finish. When you’re listening, it’s important not just to understand what the other person is saying, but also to understand why they’re saying it. If you don’t understand their point of view, then you won’t be able to communicate with them effectively.

As soon as the other party starts talking, make sure to listen carefully and actively. You could ask questions or make comments to clarify what they have said. This will help you get an idea of where they are coming from and how they view things. It also provides them with an opportunity to explain themselves further if needed.


It might be difficult for you to understand everything the other party says, especially if they speak another language, but try your best to adapt and understand their point of view as much as possible without losing credibility in front of them!


If there are issues that cannot be resolved through negotiation, then it's time for persuasion! Try using creative arguments or even making small concessions here and there if necessary so that the other party will feel comfortable with the deal being made between you two because he or she believes that it is best for both parties involved at this point in time (in order


Planning is important because it helps you to be prepared for any situation or problem that may arise during a negotiation. You should plan ahead so that you know how to respond and move forward in a successful way.

learn more about negotiation from here.


The most valuable skills for your future working life are also the ones you can acquire with the most relative ease—skills such as critical thinking or complex problem-solving. It's never too early to start perfecting these kinds of skills, and you can do so by brushing up on your study habits and making time for self-improvement. Always be sure to invest just as much into learning about yourself as you do about your subject matter, or else you may risk missing out on some valuable opportunities when they come knocking in the future.

The value of these skills is arguably becoming more important than ever, as the global job market becomes increasingly interconnected and specialized. In today's world, no one person can fill a job all on their own—instead, everyone must wear multiple hats, often across several different industries and work functions. If you have any skills along these lines, they will be highly valuable to an employer in today's job market.

If you want to stay relevant in the 21st century, you will need to learn these skills to excel and progress in your field. The competition is steep, so if you don't have them yet, now is the time to get started.