10 habits of successful students; a guide to be a good student.

Sabin Pokharel

What differentiates successful students from unsuccessful ones? It is their habits. Yes, you heard right it's students’ habits that make one successful and another unsuccessful. In this guide, I will share my insight on the 10 habits of successful students and how to form them for your lifetime.

What differentiates successful students from unsuccessful ones? It is their habits. Yes, you heard right it's students’ habits that make one successful and another unsuccessful. In this guide, I will share my insight on the 10 habits of successful students and how to form them for your lifetime.

Let's dive right into it.


To become a successful student you need to develop organization habits. I am writing this not because every successful student has one but because organization habits help to save time. Following the practices of successful people doesn’t make you successful, these habits need to be incorporated into your character then only you will start to show signs of success.

Organizing your time needs hard work and dedicated practice to master it but it can be learned and implemented into your daily life. Organized students keep things tidy and minimal to have productive utilization of their time.


Not only successful students but also successful people plan their day ahead. Everyone knows nothing is predictive so why do planning? You might ask such a question. Planning your day makes unpredictable time predictive. Planning is knowing which task to complete first and which one to dedicate. Tons of people have said in various interviews about the benefits of planning your day ahead. Students need academic and extracurricular activities and it is a headache to do both at the same time but with effective planning, you can enjoy both things while earning high grades.

Group Study

The organization of two or more two people having the same goal and characteristics and having a feeling of unity is a group. This means studying in a group is having different perspectives and opinions. Open discussion in groups helps you to think and generate remarkable ideas. Group also helps you to motivate and socialize. Working in a group helps make things easier. If you are working on a project then there might be lots of tasks to be done, group allow you to mix the task and divide it among different group member to save time. A group fails when every member of the group has the same problem.

Enough Sleep

Sleep is important to have better memory and clear thinking. If you lack sleep hours then it will be difficult to concentrate for long hours and concentration is vital to becoming a successful student. Not having enough sleep increases the chances of getting various diseases. You might think a one-night lack of sleep does not matter but regularly this will have a greater impact on your health and performance. According to the national sleep foundation, high school students needs about 8 to 10 hours of sleep, and college students need 7-9 hours every single night. If you are not sleeping enough then it is time to start sleeping more.

Have study environment

Successful students have a separate study area, where they can focus for a long time without disruption. You will not learn anything studying in bed or in the kitchen. You need to build a study environment. It does not need to be a separate room, if you can afford that then it is better. It can be anywhere, it can be a table in a bedroom where you only study and not do any other thing. So the idea of not studying in bed or another working place is your brain has tied that place for that particular work, so you need your brain to tie a place for study.

Takes Notes

You might think who takes notes these days, right? But Every idea that changed the world was first expressed on paper with a pen. Notes-taking has lots of benefits; note-taking is an engaging task requiring students to focus and give attention to details, by taking notes students are actively involved in the learning process, and note-taking also increases comprehension and retention. The present time is not like the past when we would require thick notebooks to take notes of challenging topics now there are lots of note-taking apps to make your work easier. There is nothing to lose by taking notes.

Teaches to other

Preparing to teach others or imitating to teach others helps to learn that information more effectively. For example, student learning for an exam could benefit from teaching that information to their peers. Not only do students who teach benefit but students who learn from their peers understand that concept better. When we prepare material to teach others motivation to learn that information increases. When you start to teach others your self-view changes, I guarantee you, you will not be the same person once you start teaching. Your worldview changes and also your learning ability changes.

Active learning

Active learning is a learning concept where students participate in the discussion, problem-solving side to side with lectures. Active reading helps students to stay focused and engaged. Active reading forms a visual record of a learning experience for better retention. Many successful students practice active reading. There is also a concept of active teaching, where teachers engage students by asking them to solve questions right in the classroom. If your teacher practices active teaching then you are lucky but don't worry you can also practice active learning with your study group.


You might find that toppers are also active in sports or other physical activities. They knew that sports help to win against diseases. Regular physical fitness helps children reduce stress and anxiety. Exercise helps to increase your focus and retention as a result your grades increases. You sleep better when you exercise or participate in physical activities. You might have experienced, your self-confidence, and energy increase when you participate in physical exercise. To be a successful student you need to form a habit of doing exercise regularly.

Setup a reward and punishment system

Humans cannot function without a system of reward and punishment. Our biology was also set up this way. When you do the right thing you get rewarded and when you make mistake you get punished. Our society also works like this. If it is so vital in our system why not incorporate it into our study? Regular A students do that why can't you? You can start by reading for an hour then do fun activities for some time and continue that cycle. And remember reward should be fun and attractive otherwise this will not work. Once you start giving yourself reward your procrastination habits will go and you will have better study habit.

To conclude

Try to implement these habits into your life then you will see a spike in your grade and performance. Not only do these habits help to win better grades these habits make you successful in your life. If I have missed anything or you want to add something you can discuss it in the comment section below.