How to smash your Procrastination Habit

Sabin Pokharel

Procrastination is the habit of putting things off until the last minute. It’s a real bummer because it leaves you feeling overwhelmed and frustrated. But there are ways to smash your procrastination habit and get more things done. It just takes a little bit of planning and discipline. Is

Procrastination is the habit of putting things off until the last minute. It’s a real bummer because it leaves you feeling overwhelmed and frustrated. But there are ways to smash your procrastination habit and get more things done. It just takes a little bit of planning and discipline.

Is procrastination really bad?

While instant procrastination may fill you up with happiness and comfort practicing it in a loop may lead to stress, anxiety, and a host of other unpleasant emotions. Even if we are fully aware of what we should be doing, we just don't do it. In addition to anxiety and stress, it causes sleep deprivation which can further lead to weak immune systems and poor concentration. You may experience increased self-doubts and low self-esteem.

You never feel resistant about watching your favorite movie but you feel resistant when you have to study for an exam which is in a month.

The more the resistance, the more important the work is.

When you have to go to your office every day, facing resistance is the daily battle so you gotta be professional at it. Likewise, if you are the one who is very high up and has bigger dreams you have to master handling procrastination.

But procrastination isn’t just bad because it leaves you feeling frustrated and overwhelmed. It’s also bad for your health. Procrastination is linked to higher levels of stress and anxiety, which can lead to serious health problems. It can also make it harder to lose weight and exercise since it takes longer to build good habits.

Here are the five tips for you to avoid procrastination

Know your goals and why

When you know your goals, you can figure out why you’re procrastinating. Are you putting things off because you don’t think you’ll be able to do them? That’s different from saying, “I don’t have the time,” which is really a procrastination excuse. Do you have a major project or assignment due in the next few weeks? You’ve probably heard this advice before: If you want to smash your procrastination habit, you need to know what you’re trying to accomplish and why it’s important. When you have a clear purpose, you’re less likely to put things off. It’s surprisingly easy to plan and prioritize when you have a specific goal in mind.

Break things into manageable chunks

When you’re faced with a large to-do list, it can be tempting to put things off until the last minute. But the best way to avoid procrastination is to break your goals and to-do list into manageable chunks. This way, you’re less likely to put things off until the last minute. You can even use this method when you’re faced with a large to-do list.

One of the best ways to avoid procrastination is to break big projects and challenges into smaller, more manageable chunks. This gives you a sense of progress and accomplishment, which makes it easier to keep going. Try splitting your big project into a few small ones, so that you have something specific to work on each day. This not only helps you avoid procrastination but also helps you stay focused and on task.

When you’re feeling overwhelmed by a large project or assignment, it’s tempting to say “I don’t have the time” and put it off until the last minute. But if you can break your goal down into smaller manageable chunks, it’s easier to get started and stay focused. That way, you’re less likely to put things off until the last minute.

Zeigarnik effect- Just start

The Zeigarnik effect is a little-known phenomenon in psychology. It states that the better something is finished, the less likely you are to remember how you felt when you were working on it. The Zeigarnik effect is why you always feel like you’re behind on your to-do list, even though you’ve checked everything off. The Zeigarnik effect is also why it’s so hard to break a bad habit or stop a bad habit cycle.

One of the best ways to avoid procrastination is to just get started. When you start something new, even if it’s something small, the odds of you finishing it goes up. This is because the Zeigarnik effect kicks in. The better something is finished, the less likely you are to remember how you felt when you were working on it.

Be kind to yourself

It’s easy to be hard on yourself when you find yourself procrastinating. But the best way to avoid procrastination is to be kind to yourself. It’s easy to say “I need to stop procrastinating”, but it’s hard to actually do it. The best way to avoid procrastination is to be gentle with yourself.

Sometimes it’s hard to be kind to yourself when you’re facing a long to-do list or a series of difficult assignments. After all, you might feel like you’re not working hard enough or that you’ve already spent too much time on this. But the best way to avoid procrastination is to be kind to yourself. When you’re kind to yourself, you’re less likely to put things off until the last minute.

Procrastinate on procrastination

If you’re a chronic procrastinator, the best way to avoid procrastination is to learn how to procrastinate on procrastination. This means that you learn how to put off doing boring or difficult tasks until the last minute. This way, you’re less likely to put things off until the last minute. You can even use this method when you’re faced with a long to-do list or a series of difficult assignments.

It’s surprisingly easy to avoid procrastination when you’re facing a long to-do list or a series of difficult assignments. This means setting aside time every day to work on your goals and to-do list. When you do this, there’s always something on your list that needs to get done.

So these are the five tips for you to avoid procrastination. The first one is to know your goals and the why behind these goals. Knowing why creates motivation behind the work and you may find yourself working on your project or task. The second point is to break large tasks into small and easy chunks so that you will enjoy them while working and won't procrastinate. The Zeigarnik effect says that just starting something increases the odds of finishing it. At last, always be kind to yourself and practice procrastinating on procrastination.